Our Services
Physiotherapy Appointment
It consists of the assessment and physical observation of the patient as a whole based on the complaints presented. Always investing in the physiotherapist/patient empathy relationship, which is essential to reassure and motivate the patient to collaborate in their own recovery. In this appointment, the objective examination in Physiotherapy is carried out, which consists in the observation of postural changes, palpation, identification of or of the painful/limited movement. Through specific tests, range of motion and muscle strength, the Physiotherapist prepares a specific treatment plan for the evaluated patient.
Physiotherapy in the Clinic
The Clinical Physiotherapy approach aims to develop/administer diagnostic, propaedeutic (preliminary) and therapeutic knowledge in an articulated manner, favoring the establishment of an autonomous professional practice, with high resolution, providing the best result in patient/client care. Gives the possibility of the patient having a faster recovery through the use of specific equipment that accelerate the healing process.
Physiotherapy at Home
Home care Physiotherapy is characterized as assistance where physical therapy care is performed at the patient's home, allowing for a professional assessment of the patient's reality and difficulties.
From this assessment, a care plan adequate to the reality that the patient lives is elaborated.
Dry Needling
The expression Dry Puncture (PS), translation of the English term dry needling, is a Physiotherapeutic Technique used in patients with Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MDS). MDS is a common diagnosis in patients with musculoskeletal disorders, with myofascial trigger points. These are hyper-irritable points, which can cause local or referred pain along the muscle's path, during movement, stretching or with local compression. PS consists of inserting acupuncture needles (without injecting or extracting substances or fluids) in specific trigger points, reducing pain, swelling and muscle tension. Promotes increased local circulation and range of motion in the affected limb.
K-Taping Application
It is an elastic bandage method used to facilitate the body's natural healing process while providing support for muscles and joints without restricting movement. Despite being widely used by practitioners of physical activities, the bandage can be useful for anyone who is feeling some pain or physical limitation. It is used as an auxiliary method of rehabilitation and does not replace treatment.
Massage Therapy
Massage therapy consists of a series of ancient massage techniques that help relieve muscle pain, fight stress, stimulate blood circulation and prevent various pathologies.
The objective of massage therapy is to provide a feeling of well-being by massaging the soft tissues of the body and by some specific movements in the joints.
Ceragem Therapy
The "Ceragem Bed" is a therapeutic equipment, of Korean origin, which has Jade Stones inside that release heat, massage the body and align the spine. Its components are special and during the treatment (which lasts about 40 minutes), 4 techniques very similar to chiropractic, massage, acupuncture and moxibustion are used.

Cupping Glass Therapy
Suction Therapy is a type of natural treatment, in which vacuums are created by suction of the skin (by means of suction cups). The vacuum formed stimulates blood circulation and with this process the toxins in the blood are released. When circulation is activated through the suction cup, the increase in blood favors muscle nutrition, relieving tension and pain in muscles and joints.

Pilates Machine
Pilates is a set of exercises designed by German Joseph Pilates in the mid-1920s, which are conducted in Solo or on unique equipment. It aimes the total and complete control and connection between body and mind, returning and restoring the health of individuals in pathological conditions as well as promoting an increase in the quality of life for healthy people.
Acupuncture is a therapy that brings together technical, theoretical and empirical knowledge that together with moxibustion, massage and other therapies are part of ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has been practiced for over 5,000 years in China and uses the application of needles to specific energy points in the body for the treatment and prevention of disease.
Tui Na Massage
It is a form of Chinese massage that is often used in conjunction with other traditional Chinese Medicine therapeutic techniques such as acupuncture, moxibustion, Chinese herbal medicine, and qigong.
Tui Na employs massage techniques to stimulate or soothe the patient's meridian points, aiming to balance the flow of energy through these channels.